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Dostupné olejomalby

Oil paintings

Oil paintings on canvas / Oil paintings

Wisdom, teachings, codes from different planets, stars, galaxies ... connected into one image on the canvas. The wisdom of thousands of galaxies and civilizations embodied on canvas.

The image is of the Energy Source itself, it is the portal of the Stargates, an endless source of information across space-time.

It is the activating and transforming Matrix of Our DNA.

What is your space story? What you have experienced, and where Your soul is located (after our linearly, it was, but everything is still NOW). Why did you come here, what are your soul gifts ... ?? So many questions, you know you have all the answers in your heart. Sometimes it is necessary to activate this information and one of the ways is Space Oil Paintings with Star Codes.  

There are countless hours of work behind each image, but also energy. But I know that my work is unique and so original. Which is not to be felt elsewhere, to see ... I put my essence, energy, which I value the most. My paintings decorate spaces all over the world.  

Zrozeni, oil on canvas, vesmirny obraz

" Zrození "

(28.8.2022 22:28, oil on canvas, 60x40cm)

Available images can be found at

Image portfolio

Here you will find a gallery of all my oil paintings. 

Karolina Korandová © 2021 / All rights reserved

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